Codacons diffida Ticket One. Dove sono finiti i biglietti per i Coldplay?

coldplayIl Codacons invia diffida a ticket one e alla società che ha organizzato il concerto, la “Live Nation” per annullamento transazioni bancarie per vendita biglietti e storno bancario.

Dopo 15 giorni in assenza di riscontro sarà il Tribunale a decidere sul caso. Troppo grave quanto accaduto alle tasche dei giovani consumatori.

Ai sensi dell’art. 37 del Codice del Consumo il Codacons può chiedere in via d’urgenza di inibire o imporre un comportamento per la tutela dei diritti dei consumatori. In questo caso i giovani consumatori hanno diritto di riavere i soldi per l’aggiottaggio sui biglietti del concerto dei Coldplay.

Dear Coldplay,

my name in Greta I’d like to inform you about the unpleasant event of the last few days.
I’m just a 18 years old girl who really love your music and wanted two tickets for your concert in Milan.
Like everybody does I waited till the sale of the pre-sale for those who ad an American Express credit card, but after 30 minutes all the tickets were finished.
October the 7 at 10.00 AM was the specified date for the start of the sale of real tickets but from 10.00 am it was impossible to enter the website ticketone in order to buy them and i was really disappointed when found out that after 5 minutes they were all finished.
Let me explain you what has happened:
Every time there is a concert of great dimensions and of an/some artist/s with a large audience, some organizations (like viagogo) hack those websites (like ticketone) and buy a huge quantity of tickets in order to sell them on their websites at striking and absurd prices.
In this case some tickets were 16 times more expensive.
They used stronger servers that prevent people with a normal computer o phone to enter ticketone and that’s why after 5 minutes they were all finished.
Their intent is to take advantage and make money from those who are willing to spend whichever price they find, even if the ticket could cost 1700/2000€.
I’m writing to you because we find unfair from a ethical point of view what is happening and also to make you aware that they caused a wrong image of your band because everybody thought that the prices had been established by you.
For this, Codacons, an organization that take responsibility for the safeguard of consumers would like to meet you in order to discuss about the happening and make sure that it won’t happen again.
Thank you for everything,

Il Codacons ha quindi ufficialmente diffidato Ticket One e la società organizzatrice del concerto, “Live Nation”, al fine di richiedere l’annullamento delle transazioni bancarie relative alla vendita dei biglietti.

I ragazzi scrivono direttamente alla band britannica per evidenziare il gravissimo pregiudizio subito da tutti gli appassionati della band e consumatori per quanto accaduto.

Dalle segnalazione arrivata sembra che praticamente nessun privato sia riuscito nell’acquisto del biglietto per il concerto che si sarebbe dovuto tenere a Milano dal circuito ufficiale Ticket One, essendo i medesimi andati esauriti in pochissimi minuti e poi successivamente ricomparsi su altri canali a prezzi enormemente maggiorati.

Il Codacons si chiede, ma dove sono finiti i biglietti? Su questa domanda dovrà indagare la procura della Repubblica alla quale l’Associazione si è rivolta perché venga fatta giustizia.

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