Report on implementation of recommendations for immediate action for regional and minority language use in Germany

In an evaluation adopted 20 June this year and published today, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages acknowledges legal and policy measures that have been taken by the German federal authorities and by the Länder to protect and promote regional or minority languages. This mid-term review covers compliance by Germany with the recommendations for immediate action issued in the seventh evaluation report in 2022.

These recommendations concern for the following areas and minority or regional languages:

Take further steps to develop the offer of radio and television programmes in Danish and to provide a clear legal basis for the use of Danish in civil and administrative court proceedings.
Hire more teachers for Upper Sorbian education at all levels and increase the offer of television programmes in Upper Sorbian
Extend and strengthen the offer of Lower Sorbian in pre-school, primary and secondary education, ensure hire more teachers for Lower Sorbian education at all levels.
Strengthen the offer of North Frisian in education and take further steps to increase the offer of programmes in North Frisian in broadcasting media.
Encourage the provision of at least a substantial part of pre-school education in Sater Frisian and strengthen the educational offer for Sater Frisian and take further steps to increase the offer of broadcasting programmes in that language.
Strengthen efforts to develop an adequate educational offer for Low German at all levels with adequate teacher training, facilitate the offer of Low German television programmes and newspaper articles (including online) on a regular basis, take measures to provide at least for a substantial part of education in Low German at preschool level, and provide for the teaching of Low German in primary and secondary education as a separate subject and as an integral part of the curriculum.
In co-operation with the speakers, identify ways to strengthen the educational offer for Romani and support initiatives to use Romani in the media.

At the same time, the mid-term review takes note of general developments which further the promotion of regional or minority languages, such as the government of Brandenburg adopting a Multilingualism Strategy last year and Parliament of Brandenburg agreeing to the adoption of new commitments for Lower Sorbian and for Low German, or the federal and Lower Saxony support for the Commissioner for Sater Frisian. To mark the 25th anniversary of the Charter last year, the Federal Parliament hosted a debate on regional or minority languages, which the Committee of Experts welcomed.

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